
POJ - Apache Axis2 0.92 Released

This release includes the following features:

1. Complete XML infoset support for AXIOM
2. AXIOM, a SOAP specific streaming XML infoset model for SOAP 1.1/1.2 messages
3. Support for one-way messaging and request response messaging
4. Modules, mechanism to extend the SOAP processing model
5. Archives based deployment model
6. WSDL2Java code generation tool for stub and skeltons
7. XMLBeans based data binding support
8. Support for WS-Addressing, both the submission and final versions
9. Client API
10. REST web service support
11. HTTP transport support
12. SMTP transport support
13. TCP transport support
14. MTOM/SWA attachments support
15. SAAJ implementation
16. WS-Security support using WSS4J
17. Support for context hierarchy serialization
18. and numerous bug fixes after 0.91 release

The release include following tools:

1. Admin Web App
2. WSDL2Java, eclipse Plugin/Command line version
3. Service Archive Wizard, eclipse Plugin
4. Module Archive Wizard, eclipse Plugin
5. Service Archive Wizard, IntelliJ IDEA Plugin
