
POJ - Juxy 0.7 released

Juxy is a library for unit testing XSLT stylesheets from Java. It is best suited for the projects where both Java and XSLT are used simultaneously.

Juxy features include:

     * Ability to invoke individual xsl templates and pass them any parameters (you can either call or apply templates with and without modes).
     * Ability to setup stylesheet parameters and global variables.
     * Ability to setup current node before transformation.
     * Integration with JUnit (Juxy provides its own TestCase class simplifying testing with JUnit, however, JUnit is not required for writing tests, you can use any testing framework that you like).
     * Transparent support for document fragments returned as transformation result (result of the called template can have more than one root node, Juxy will process such cases transparently for you).
     * Easy result verification with sophisticated XML assertion mechanism.
     * XPath support for deeper validation of transformation result (you can use either Jaxen or JAXP XPath engine, Juxy will detect available engine automatically)
     * Ability to trace execution of the sylesheets instructions.
     * Support for custom URIResolver.
     * Ant task for batch verification of XSLT stylesheets.
