
POJ - Geronimo J2EE 1.4 Certified Release - Milestone 5

The Apache Geronimo development team have released Milestone 5. "The Geronimo team released its Milestone 5 build today, the first build that is J2EE 1.4 certified. A certified milestone release means this build, while not as stable and feature-rich as the eventual 1.0 and later releases, it should provide all required J2EE 1.4 services and features. This release is a huge step forward for the Apache Geronimo project. Since the Geronimo project began in the Apache incubator in August 2003, paid and volunteer Geronimo developers have integrated several existing open source projects and written a lot of new code to create the first open source J2EE 1.4 server available with a BSD-like license."