
POJ - Hibernate Tools 3.1 beta 1 released

A new updated version of the Hibernate Tools project have been made available.

The tools are for both Eclipse and ANT, the ANT related docs are at http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/tools/ant/index.html

The biggest new feature is that you can now use your annotated classes in the query console (require JDK 5) and thus be able to prototype EJB3 queries.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

NHibernate 1.0 Released

NHibernate is a port of Hibernate to the .NET platform. Hibernate is the leading open-source object-relational persistence library for Java, used to persist plain objects in relational databases.

After several years of development, the first stable version of NHibernate, version 1.0, is now available for download. This version is comparable to Hibernate 2.1 in terms of features, with a few small differences.

21/10/05 10:41  

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