
POJ - jTDS JDBC driver 1.2 released

New features:
- Support for Sybase ASE 15
- Improved support for SQL Server 2005 varchar(max) and varbinary(max)
- Complete handling of cursor exceptions and downgrading
- Better handling of cancels and timeouts
- Configurable socket timeout
- Subclasses of basic JDBC types recognized as setObject() values

Major bug fixes (out of over 30 fixes):
- Statement pool memory leak
- Java 1.5 BigDecimal problems
- Possible synchronization problems
- setAutoCommit() behavior not according to specification
- getTimestamp() returns invalid value after calling getString()
- Cursor opens fails when cursor threshold <> -1
- iso_1 charset and Sybase
- "All pipe instances are busy" not handled properly
- SSL fails with SQL Server 2005
- Sybase: insert UTF8 string fails when length is 255