
AJAX / CSS - DWR 1.1 beta 1 Released

The feature list for 1.1 looks like this:

* New ObjectConverter (called \'object\') that reads fields rather than bean getters and setters. Includes a \'force\' parameter to read from private fields
* New parameter to BeanConverter that allows you to specify an implementation. This allows you to convert according to an interface but create some implementation of that interface
* Basic support for synchronous calling, either use DWREngine.setAsynchronous(false) or meta-data - { asynchronous:false, callback:function(data) {...} }
* Most remoting options can now be set on a global, batch or call level. The remoting options are: timeout, errorHandler, warningHandler, [pre|post]Hook, method (XHR/iframe), verb (GET/POST), ordered, synchronous
* Exceptions are now marshalled across Ajax (without stack trace information) which can help to know what has gone wrong.
* Added EnumConverter (called enum). Enable it in an allow section like BeanConverter
* ScriptedCreator and SpringCreator now have a setClass method that allows you to specify the class that they create without having them go through the motions to find out what it is and then throwing it away
* Added WebContext. WebContext will take over from ExecutionContext at some stage to enable features in a later release
* Several bug fixes
