
*ware - NetBeans 5.0 (final) released

NetBeans IDE 5.0 introduces comprehensive support for developing IDE modules and rich client applications based on the NetBeans platform, the new intuitive GUI builder Matisse, new and redesigned CVS support, Sun Application Server 8.2, Weblogic9 and JBoss 4 support, and a lot of editor enhancements.

Web App Frameworks - Spring Framework 2.0 M2 released

Spring 2.0 M2 is the second milestone of the next generation of Spring. This release includes enhancements and new features, including refined AspectJ support and Java Persistence API (draft) support. It also contains fixes for issues discovered since 2.0 M1.

*ware - Skype released

Now with video calling

*ware - BitTorrent 4.4.0 released

Changes in this release:

* all bugfixes and improvements from BitTorrent 4.3 Beta
* memory leak fix
* adding Hebrew and Icelandic to the list of complete languages


Misc - Removing unused device drivers from Windows XP machines

Did you know that unless you uninstall a device driver on a Windows XP machine that it still may be sucking up valuable system resources? Here are step-by-step instructions on how you can view and remove these unnecessary devices.

Misc - The Shakespeare Programming Language

A programming language created with the design goal to make the source code resemble Shakespeare plays.

The characters in the play are variables. If you want to assign a character, let's say Hamlet, a negative value, you put him and another character on the stage and let that character insult Hamlet.

Input and output is done be having someone tell a character to listen their heart and speak their mind. The language contains conditionals, where characters ask each other questions, and jumps, where they decide to go to a specific act or scene. Characters are also stacks that can be pushed and popped.


Misc - Run IE7 and IE6 on the same computer

*ware - Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 beta 2 released

AJAX / CSS - Open source project to take Ajax mainstream

IBM Corp and a dozen others will today announce an open source Ajax project to unify what's been the popular technology's Achilles Heel: the lack of common tooling.

The project, called Open Ajax, aims to create a single framework that standardizes development and debugging on a common library of Ajax widgets that could run on multiple Ajax runtimes.

*ware - Venkman Javascript Debugger v0.9.86 released (Firefox Extension)

*ware - Firefox released

* Improved stability.
* Improved support for Mac OS X.
* International Domain Name support for Iceland (.is) is now enabled.
* Fixes for several memory leaks.
* Several security enhancements.



Misc - José Mourinho song

POJ - Hibernate 3.1.2 released

Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence and query service. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following object-oriented idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and collections. Hibernate allows you to express queries in its own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in native SQL, or with an object-oriented Criteria and Example API.

This release fixes bugs with Session closure checking, some potential bugs in HQL parameter binding, and various other minor bug fixes and enhancements.

POJ - JFreeChart 1.0.1 released

JFreeChart is a chart library for the Java platform that supports a wide range of charts including pie charts (2D and 3D), bar charts (horizontal and vertical, regular or stacked, with optional 3D-effects), line charts, XY plots, scatter plots, time series charts, high/low/open/close charts, candlestick plots, Gantt charts, Pareto charts, combination charts, and more. It is suitable for use in applications, applets, servlets, and JSP.

Minor bugs were fixed, the most important being the removal of some JDK1.4-specific code which prevented the previous release from compiling on JDK1.3. In addition, a few API adjustments have been made (additions and deprecations only).

POJ - Jakarta HiveMind 1.1.1 released

Jakarta HiveMind release 1.1.1 is now available; this is a bug fix release.
HiveMind 1.1.1 is a drop-in replacement for HiveMind 1.1, and is recommended for use with Tapestry 4.0 applications.

HiveMind is a services and configuration microkernel.
In HiveMind, a service is an implementation of a Java interface. Unlike other SOAs (Service Oriented Architectures, such as a SOAP, or EJBs), HiveMind is explicitly about combining Java code within a single JVM. HiveMind uses a descriptor to describe different services, their lifecycles, and how they are combined. HiveMind takes care of thread-safe, just-in-time creation of singleton service objects so your code doesn't have to.