
POJ - Remote control via Java

New OS Java App available:
A simple application to allow remote viewing of a desktop and control of the mouse and keyboard of the remote machine.

Developed purely in Java, this application should run on any machine with a JVM 1.2 or above installed. It has been tested on Windows XP and Windows 98 and has been seen to work.

*ware - Google Earth 3.0.0693 Beta released


Misc - NHibernate 1.0 Released

NHibernate is a port of Hibernate to the .NET platform. Hibernate is the leading open-source object-relational persistence library for Java, used to persist plain objects in relational databases.

After several years of development, the first stable version of NHibernate, version 1.0, is now available for download. This version is comparable to Hibernate 2.1 in terms of features, with a few small differences.


Thanks to 'Bruno BG' for this one.

*ware - Jini 2.1 plugins for NetBeans 5, Eclipse, IntelliJ and JBuilder

Inca X is pleased to announce the release of version 4.1 of the following products for Jini Technology version 2.1

* Eclipse v3.0 - 3.1 Plugin
* NetBeans v5.0 plugin
* IntelliJ plugin
* JBuilder plugin


courtesy of Nuno Barrocas. thanks!

*ware - Opera 9 preview


*ware - Flock Developer Preview released

Advanced browser gives taste of Web 2.0

A cutting edge Firefox-based Web browser dubbed 'Flock', which integrates next-generation Web technologies such as RSS content feeds, blogs and bookmark and photo sharing, was launched today.


POJ - Hibernate Tools 3.1 beta 1 released

A new updated version of the Hibernate Tools project have been made available.

The tools are for both Eclipse and ANT, the ANT related docs are at http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/tools/ant/index.html

The biggest new feature is that you can now use your annotated classes in the query console (require JDK 5) and thus be able to prototype EJB3 queries.

Linux - Quake 4 Linux

id Software has released the Linux client and server for Quake 4.


*ware - OpenOffice 2.0 released

OpenOffice.org 2.0 is the productivity suite that individuals, governments, and corporations around the world have been expecting for the last two years.

Easy to use and fluidly interoperable with every major office suite, OpenOffice.org 2.0 realises the potential of open source.
Besides a powerful new database module and advanced XML capabilities, OpenOffice.org natively supports the internationally standardised OpenDocument format.

Available in 36 languages, with more on the way, and able to run natively on Windows, GNU/Linux, Sun Solaris, Mac OS X (X11) and several other platforms, OpenOffice.org banishes software segregation and isolation and dramatically levels the playing field. And, with its support for the OASIS Standard OpenDocument format, OpenOffice.org eliminates the fear of vendor lock in or format obsolescence.

The OpenDocument format can be used by any office application, ensuring that documents can be viewed, edited and printed for generations to come.


POJ - Sun Open Sources Jini

Sun announced yesterday that it is releasing Jini as open source under the Apache license. The technology, which was originally created in 1999, was designed for linking consumer devices, although for the most part, it has not been used as such until recently. Most customers using the technology have been using it for grid computing and server clustering according to Sun.


AJAX / CSS - Ajax frameworks usage survey results


Misc - Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Answer a few questions and find out which of your favourite sci-fi characters you really are!

Misc - How to keep the beer cold

A homemade device that keeps your beverage cold, alcoholic or otherwise

Linux - KDE 3.4.3 Released

A maintenance release for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful free desktop for GNU/Linux and other UNIXes.
KDE 3.4.3 ships with a basic desktop and fifteen other packages (PIM, administration, network, edutainment, utilities, multimedia, games, artwork, web development and more). KDE's award-winning tools and applications are available in 51 languages.

POJ - Sorting Algorithms

Visualizations of some comparison based sorting algorithms. The quick sort, bubble sort and cocktail shaker sort are due to the good folks at Sun Microsystems. The original SortItem applet was written by James Gosling.

POJ - EULAlyzer 1.0 - Analyze license agreements

EULAlyzer can analyze license agreements in seconds, and provide a detailed listing of potentially interesting words and phrases. Discover if the software you're about to install displays pop-up ads, transmits personally identifiable information, uses unique identifiers to track you, or much much more.


Misc - Google gives up on Gmail name in U.K.

Google stopped using the Gmail name in the United Kingdom on Wednesday, ending a trademark dispute for now.

The Gmail service there is now known as Googlemail.

POJ - IBM RFID Device Development Kit

A set of tools and techniques for interfacing RFID readers and other related hardware into IBM's RFID middleware solution. (This is an ETTK technology.)

This RFID Device Development Kit consists of an OSGi-based infrastructure, tools, and examples that together make up the core of IBM's RFID Edge-of-Network software solution. (RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification.) When integrated with IBM Workplace Client Technology, Micro Edition, a complete development environment is provided that allows the user to explore the infrastructure, learn about the included technologies and APIs, and develop support for new devices. Extensive examples, simulators, and tutorials are included that allow the user to write code for supporting new imaginary devices or for interfacing with the real physical hardware without a Premises server or Edge Controller. The infrastructure can also be extended by the user to modify its behavior so that it models solution-specific business processes and requirements.



POJ - JavaOne2005 Technical Sessions in Multimedia (includes audio and transcription) available

The multimedia version, which includes the speaker's audio track and text transcription syncronized with the slide deck, are available to anyone who joins Sun Developer Network (SDN).

Misc - Free Book - Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers

Get a focused, first look at the features and capabilities in Microsoft Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, and .NET Framework 2.0. If you currently work with Visual Basic 6, these authors fully understand the adoption and code migration issues you?ll encounter. They?ll step you through a quick primer on .NET Framework programming, offering guidance for a productive transition. If you already work with .NET, you?ll jump directly into what?s new, learning how to extend your existing skills. From the innovations in rapid application development, debugging, and deployment, to new data access, desktop, and Web programming capabilities, you get the prerelease insights and code walkthroughs you need to get productive right away.


Web App Frameworks - Spring Integration with WebLogic Server

"BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 is the leading implementation of Sun Microsystems' J2EE 1.4 platform. However, WebLogic Server's core value proposition is in areas not covered by the J2EE specification?enhanced management, ease-of-use, high availability, scalability, reliability, and performance. Indeed, WebLogic Server's value is not tied to any particular programming model, so it is therefore a natural fit with the new breed of non-J2EE programming models. The most exciting of these to emerge in recent years are models based on Inversion of Control (IoC)?of which the Spring Framework is the leading implementation. This article introduces features of the Spring Framework, WebLogic Server, and the integration of the two. As we shall see, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

Web App Frameworks - 1-2-3 messaging with Spring JMS

"In this fourth and final installment of the Spring series, I introduce you to features of the Spring JMS (Java Message Service) framework. JMS defines a standard way for Java applications to create and exchange messages through a Message Oriented Middleware (MOM)."

POJ - Recommended Approaches to Service-Oriented Architecture


Web App Frameworks - Jakarta Tapestry 4.0 beta 11 released

"The latest weekly beta release for Jakarta Tapestry 4.0 adds more documentation and debuts a completely renovated Virtual Library demonstration J2EE application, which makes use of all the latest and greatest 4.0 features, including annotations, friendly URLs, and multiple folders. In addition, a class loader bug related to client-side persistent properties was fixed."

Misc - C# Language Specification


Misc - World Sunlight Map


*ware - Virtual WIFI

Connecting to multiple IEEE 802.11 networks with one WiFi card

# With VirtualWiFi, you can connect to a guest's machine or play games over an ad hoc network, while surfing the web via an infrastructure network.
# You can use VirtualWiFi to connect your ad hoc network, which may contain many nodes, to the Internet using only one node.
# VirtualWiFi can help make your home infrastructure network elastic by extending its access to nodes that are out of range of your home WiFi Access Point.



*ware - FormsPlayer released

The latest version includes a bug fix which allows forms to be printed more
reliably, as well as better behaviour of the licensing toolbar when a fully
licensed form is being used.

In addition, there are some new features, such as:

* addition of an XPath function that allows a node to be tested for

* addition of the EXSLT 'evaluate' function

* all non-relevant nodes are now removed from submission
* the author now has more control over styling of XForms form controls

* the incremental attribute on xf:input is now based on the user pausing
for a certain amount of time. This allows 'suggestion' lists to be
created by hooking an xf:submission to the xforms-value-changed event.


*ware - Apache HTTP Server 2.0.55 released

The Apache HTTPD development team has announced the release of version 2.0.55 of the Apache webserver. It is primarily a security release for several classes of HTTP Request and Response Splitting/Spoofing attacks.

Web App Frameworks - RIFE 1.2 released

It is mainly a bug-fix release with no new major features, the out-of-container testing framework had some improvements though.

*ware - TJI - The Java IDE


*ware - Eclipse IDE - Upgrading from 3.1 to 3.1.1 using update manager


Misc - Free Web Services Programming Course

A free online "Web Services Programming" course is about to begin on Oct. 26th, 2005 for anyone who wants to learn Web services programming. In this 13-week course, attendees learn basic Web Services standards such as SOAP and WSDL, and Java API's for Web services such as JAX-WS, SAAJ, and JAXR. The principles of SOA and relevant technologies such as JBI and BPEL are also addressed. They also learn how to use NetBeans IDE effectively for building and deploying Web services.

Sang Shin
Java Technology Evangelist
Sun Microsystems, Inc.


AJAX / CSS - Take Command with AJAX

Do you want to build more dynamic, responsive, desktop-like Web applications like Gmail and Google Maps? Then this article is for you. It guides you through the AJAX [1] basics and through the process of building a simple AJAX application. That application is named WebConsole and, in essence, it's a browser interface for executing system commands for which you'd usually need shell access.

Web App Frameworks - Get a better handle on Struts actions, with Spring

The Inversion of Control (IOC) design pattern has been generating buzz for long enough now that you've surely heard of it. If you've used the Spring framework in any capacity, then you've seen its principles in action. In this article, you'll learn about the power of the IOC pattern first-hand as I use its principles to inject a Struts application into the Spring framework.



Linux - A Comparison of Solaris, Linux, and FreeBSD Kernels


Misc - Very first :-) on the Internet

Ever wondered where the first :-) came from? Well now you do. Microsoft research has been nice enough to post the dialog. "The contents of the "joke" thread on the CMU CS general bboard that led to Scott Fahlman's invention of the smiley are below. This was retrieved from the spice vax oct-82 backup tape by Jeff Baird"
